Hopefully with easier direct access to what is
actually a blog system and format, entries will be
more frequent and have meaning!
I can say
that already I have begun and am opening up on the
tragedy that is the Trump Administration.
need to take America back! We were great long before
the Donald.
Let's just hope there is
something left of us after this trial passes.
While I'm at it in here,
if you have Hawaiian longings like I do, check out
Hawaii.com and enjoy. I was finally back there
in November after too long an absence and it felt
good to be home. A lot had changed, but I felt at
peace for the first time in years. At least until I
returned to reality in New Jersey. :(
Night number two of the Republican
National Convention.
I can't say that I am
surprised by the rise of Trump - I had a feeling a
year ago that it could, it would, happen. But that
doesn't make it any more palatable.
everything else that has been going down of late
though, it does make it more frightening.
hardest part of all... We should be better than
Obviously we are not.
Geeze, it's been so long.
OK... Once again, it has been a
long time since an update.
It has been a
lousy week. TWO complete server reinstalls don't
make for fun.
This all started the week
before when the mail server freaked out. I could
receive everything, but any time I tried to send,
the emails just hung in the outbound queues -
wouldn't connect. Oddly they would send during a
reboot, but that is one hell of a way to send email!
The first re-install was actually a good thing.
A few things were running better and faster than
before, and a few abilities that had died over the
years were restored. After having problems
connecting my Samsung Galaxy Tab's email for a while-
that was back up and running as fast and easy as I
could type in the info and push the buttons.
Painless! Fantastic!
As soon as I settled
back into the joy of having my world back to normal,
that's when the real shit hit the fan...
decided to install WordPress to put in a blog.
Sounds good... sounds like a step up... an
improvement. WRONG!
Perhaps it would be a
different story on a different server. This is an
old Server 2003 setup. But there were a number of
sites, blogs, and guides for "retrofitting" WP that
seemed clear, precise, and a piece of cake.
Step by step, one after another, things not only
didn't work, they tended to trash things that had
been working.
By the time they totally blew
out the web based email, AND my ability to connect
to the Exchange Server, I was backed into a corner
and forced to reinstall everything all over again.
Then it dawned on me that I had attempted WordPress
once before - and THAT was what caused me to loose
the afore mentioned "dead" features - like
connecting to my Samsung Droid.
Perhaps one
day I will attempt WordPress again, but it will have
to be on a completely separate throw away machine
that can't bring down anything else. (Of course, if
I do that, odds are that it will go fine and leave
me wondering what went wrong the first 2 times.)
But for now - let me just say that I HATE
WORDPRESS. Glowing reviews aside, WP and I don't get
along well together. It feels like a HATE/HATE
Rather than leave this as a
total gripe session, let me put forth something on
the positive side...
If you run a setup with
multiple Windows machines in reasonable proximity to
each other, you owe it to yourself to download Mouse
Without Borders.
It allows you to use your
mouse and keyboard across up to 4 computers making
for a very convenient and natural working
I use it both at home and work
and it is a fabulously intuitive tool that has risen
from convenient to essential for me.
MouseWithoutBorders spans well between Windows 7,
XP, and even Windows 8 computers with either single
or multiple monitor configurations AND also allows
for limited file dragging between desktops. I've
used similar programs in the past, but MWB is the
clear winner.
Don't hesitate! You can
download MouseWithoutBorders at
To give you an example of the convenience and
functionality, I am editing this on my living room
desktop computer, leaning back in my chair using my
laptop's keyboard and trackpad for input. I also am
using the laptop to view the changes as I update to
see how they look in the browser at several sizes
and widths, all the while controlling the media
computer from the same laptop.
This is one of those tools you will wonder how you
lived without.
Some days it just doesn't pay to get
up. Question: Why does that describe most days?
Every time that I swear I am going to keep this
more current, the world chooses to descend upon that
intention with a vengeance. Time rushes and my
patience wears thin.
that I have been meaning to say for a while now -
SPRINT: Why would anyone
limit the i-Phone?
There. I said it.
A piece of dog philosophy...
All movement should be contemplated carefully.
Movement should be avoided wherever possible.
It's been a few weeks longer than
planned, but it has been 2 weeks from hell.
Just a thought - I hope
Ladies is getting royalties now that there IS
pre-wrapped bacon!
Sometimes I think the world
conspires against me updating this site on a
frequent basis.
Take tonight...
the computer (Alice) didn't want to wake up. I can
relate - I hate waking up myself.
wireless failed to connect. In fact, the wireless
couldn't even know it was there.
got straightened out in the end, hence this update.
tonight is one of those rare occasions where I am
cooking. Stuffed pork chop.
I made the
mistake of cooking on SUN (2 days ago).
Again, stuffed pork chop.
In a wild moment of
stupidity I had gone out and bought two of the
things, a matching pair.
Then I brought them
home and realized I didn't have the appetite for
Cooking one, I was rudely reminded of
all of the reasons that I hate to cook. Preparation,
Patience, and the inevitable, evil CLEANUP.
Having totally ruined my Sunday evening, now I face
the second PORK CHOP.
It is cooking even as I
write this.
The Jades are waiting for water
and I am sitting here waiting on a pork chop.
I think my tolerance for culinary activity would
have left me happier with a 7-Eleven sandwich.
POSTSCRIPT: This was much better than Sunday. So
good, this time wish I had a second. I'm
writing this now, before the cleanup. Better close
on a happy thought. :)
Well, just updated the
NETMARES section. So
many dead links to clean out. At least now
everything should be live and updated.
been trying to get a "real" blog going on this site,
but WordPress doesn't want to
be happy on a Windows SBS 2003 server.
far, no luck.
On the bright side, looking to
put in a new server, so MAYBE that will open things
In the meantime, working on consolidating
the pics, so hopefully we'll get some up here soon.
SURPRISE! An update for all you loyal followers.
OK... I know... Been so damned long, THERE ARE NO
FOLLOWERS, much less loyal.
Anyhow - hope we can change that.
Woke up early this morning and spent a lot of
time thinking. I decided it is about time for this
old dog to see if he can make a living in the 21st
Century being ME.
Spent most of the weekend organizing my digital
photographs. About time to get them up here on the
web. More importantly, I need to get to digitizing
my OLD FILM pictures from back when I used to really
be a photographer. Those deserve to be seen. I
bought the scanner (a real film scanner, not a
wannabe flatbed - so it's about time to put it to
use.) With the coming of winter *shudder* that would
be a good project.
Anything you see on this site will be available
as prints. Time to start using my PayPal account (alx@alx.com)
for making money instead of just spending!
I tend to be a bit of a recluse (make that a card
carrying HERMIT), so social media hasn't been my
style. Guess that has to change to if I hope to make
a living being me.
Look for Facebook and Twitter soon. In the
meantime, you can always follow my little jade
friend Alice on Twitter.
www.twitter.com/AliceTJade She will pass along
your thoughts. :)
And there are all those pet peeves of mine. Time
to start POSTING instead of just muttering to
myself. (Muttering in silence.)
We are in the process of migrating to a new
If you experience any difficulties, please email me
Well, I am embarrassed.
It seems that all the "improvements" look pretty
- and resulted in knocking me off the search
engines! So much for progress.
I discovered this when I went looking for links
to the poetry... links that used to be there, and
now are GONE!
You would think that search engines would grow
smarter over time. Well, they didn't and I guess I
got dumb.
Anyhow, hopefully a few changes will correct
this, and I'll be back in searchable mode before too
Meanwhile, I'd like to welcome my little buddy,
Deenamite to the
web. Check her out and say hello at
look and feel to the whole site here, so please forgive
the fact that everything isn't totally where I want it
to be.
The hope is to greatly expand the photo section. Once
upon a time, I used to do photography for a living.
(Seems like several lifetimes ago.) Thousands of slides
will take quite a bit of time to analyze and convert to
make this reflect my vision.
As you may have guessed, I am addicted to Hawaii.
Years of trips and tons of film, all lying about,
sleeping as it were. I think it is time to share.
Other passions of years gone by have been airshows
and the beauty of flight. Ah, thousands more pictures...
If every picture tells a story, I think they have
been too quiet for too long.